Monday, April 6, 2009

Battling Hypoglycemia -or- "Waffles with Staying Power!"

Today I had two leftover waffles with raw butter and maple syrup, plus a small bowl of raw-milk yogurt sweetened only with the cinnamon-apple juice I saved from baking apples on Saturday morning (this delicious syrup contains only water, cinnamon, and any juice the apples released during baking). I ate this meal very late, around 11:00, and am still not ready for lunch at nearly 3pm! This is not because I am a light eater -- to the contrary I have been known for needing to eat constantly throughout the day because I would get hungry all the time.

In the past, waffles and pancakes would be initially very filling for me but would make me very tired and lethargic, followed by hunger after an hour or two -- this was despite baking with whole wheat flour and using very little sweetener! Since I learned to properly prepare my baked goods from Nourishing Traditions (the cookbook I refer to with all my cooking and nutrition questions), I have been enjoying an excellent energy level for many hours after eating pancakes and waffles. The record for me was 6 hours I think: Hugo and I had a pancake brunch (I could only eat 2.5 pancakes as they were very filling), then went into the city and didn't eat again until dinner. During that whole time I felt quite good, which is an unthinkable accomplishment for me! In the past I have always carried emergency snacks because I would become hypoglycemic at the most inconvenient times and generally frequently throughout the day (despite eating very healthfully).
So by now you're wondering what the secret is, right? It's simply this: use whole wheat flour (I use organic whole wheat pastry flour which is virtually indistinguishable from white, BUT much better for you), and combine it with the liquid (buttermilk, soured milk, etc.) in your recipe, then allow this to sit overnight. This will begin breaking down the indigestible components of the whole grain flour, and will make it able to provide lasting energy. NOTE: the liquid must have an acidic quality - thus you need to use a cultured dairy product like buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, or milk/cream that have soured naturally. And of course the best results will be obtained with raw dairy. Here is the recipe, adapted a little from Nourishing Traditions to make it easier:
2 1/2 cups whole wheat (or other whole grain) flour
2 cups buttermilk, soured milk/cream, or yogurt/kefir (FYI: using this will impart a slightly sour flavor)
-combine these and leave in a warm place overnight, then add the following:
2 eggs
2 tbsp. maple syrup (or other sweetener)
2 tbsp. melted butter or other shortening (I use coconut oil)
1 tsp. sea salt
+ regular or soured milk to thin to desired consistency
Cook as you would normal waffles! These are dense and filling, and very delicious.

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