I was disappointed yesterday at the Union Square Greenmarket. I had wanted to buy at least 2 dozen eggs from Evolutionary Organics (from New Paltz, NY) but they informed me they had sold out early in the morning. After seeing their eggs in the frying pan of a friend I just had to have some myself (since we have been out of Dave & Kim Raylinsky's fabulous eggs for a while now). People definitely know who has the best eggs, and these farmers sell out quickly. I wandered around the market picking up dry beans from Cayuga, sourdough from Bread Alone, and hot dogs and jalapeno sauerkraut (lacto-fermented the traditional way using only sea salt) from Hawthorne Valley. Then I came across Millport Farm again, which is an Amish farm that we'd tried buying eggs from on another occasion. I hadn't been impressed then. However, this time I overheard a customer telling someone else how she only buys eggs from Millport now because the yolks are so orange and delicious! These are words I like to hear, so I picked up two dozen (at $4 a dozen, they are priced the same as any other eggs at the Greenmarkets).
The first egg I cracked into the hot butter in my frying pan this morning was indeed gorgeous and induced an exclamation of delight! The second was paler, but still a rich color -- and both were delicious. I enjoyed some of my new spicy sauerkraut, and a little leftover oatmeal. Who needs cold cereal when you can whip up something like this in 5 minutes?